
What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are abnormal swollen veins present both on the surface and beneath the surface of the skin. In contrast, spider veins are smaller, red or purple blood vessels that are <1 mm in diameter and have a web-like appearance. Both conditions can be related to venous insufficiency prompting a visit to a   Long Island  Vein Treatment Clinic . What creates Varicose Veins problems? The normal function of leg veins is to bring blood back to the heart. With activity, the calf muscles function as a pump, to circulate blood back from the legs toward the heart. The same blood vessels have one-way valves that protect against blood from reversing back due to gravity. If the valves are faulty, this mechanism fails and blood collects in the lower legs resulting in venous insufficiency. This abnormal flow is referred to as reflux and with time builds up pressure in the legs to cause symptoms including abnormal spider and varicose veins. Who is at risk of Varicose Vein disease? There are


 P atients are keen these days to to search online for center for vein restoration centers, however very few know what separates high-quality treatment clinics from the rest. We provide some simple list items to help guide your search. · Highly-trained specialists: The best vein doctors are board-certified vascular physicians who have had special training in managing  vein disease . Vascular training should have been achieved through an accredited residency or fellowship in interventional cardiology or vascular surgery · Patient testimonials: While every review cannot be counted on to be 5 stars, the informed patient will search for the authenticity of reviews and see if the descriptions match their own feelings. · Equipment : A quality vein clinic will keep their equipment up to date and make investments into the latest technologies to aid in vein treatment. This includes Varithena and Venaseal in the most recent years. · Time with the doctor: Unfortunately, most vein clinics are now